1. J.-H. Lee, Y.-T. Shih, M.-L. Wei, C.-K. Sun, and B.-L. Chiang, “Classification of Established Atopic Dermatitis in Children with the In Vivo Imaging Methods,” Journal of Biophotonics, 12 (5), e201800148, 2019
2. C.-K. Sun, C.-T. Kao, M.-L. Wei, S.-H. Chia, F. X. Kärtner, A. Ivanov, and Y.-H. Liao, “Slide-free imaging of hematoxylin-eosin stained whole-mount tissues using combined third-harmonic generation and three-photon fluorescence microscopy,” Journal of Biophotonics, 12 (5), e201800341, 2019
3. T.-H. Chou, L. Lindsay, A. A. Maznev, J. S. Gandhi, D. W. Stokes, R. L. Forrest, A. Bensaoula, K. A. Nelson, and C.-K. Sun, “Long mean free paths of room-temperature THz acoustic phonons in a high thermal conductivity material,” Physical Review B, 100 (9), 094302, 2019
4. C.-K. Sun, W.-M. Liu, and Y.-H. Liao,, “Study on melanin enhanced third harmonic generation in a live cell model,” Biomedical Optics Express, 10 (11), 5716-5723, 2019
5. S. Chakraborty, S.-Y. Lee, J.-C. Lee, C.-T. Yen, and C.-K. Sun, “Saturated two-photon excitation fluorescence microscopy for the visualization of cerebral neural networks at millimeters deep depth,” Journal of Biophotonics, 12 (1), e201800136, 2019
6. L. Cahill, M. Giacomelli, T. Yoshitake, H. Vardeh, B. Faulkner-Jones, J. Connolly, C.-K. Sun, and J. G. Fujimoto, “Rapid virtual H&E histology of breast tissue specimens using a compact fluorescence nonlinear microscope,” Laboratory Investigation, 98 (1), 150-160, 2018
7. A. A. Maznev, T.-C. Hung, Y.-T. Yao, T.-H. Chou, J. S. Gandhi, L. Lindsay, H. D. Shin, D. W. Stokes, R. L. Forrest, A. Bensaoula, C.-K. Sun, and K. A. Nelson, “Propagation of THz acoustic wave packets in GaN at room temperature,” Applied Physics Letters, 112 (6), 061903, 2018
8. C.-K. Sun, H.-Y. Chen, T.-F. Tseng, B. You, M.-L. Wei, J.-Y. Lu, Y.-L. Chang, W.-L. Tseng, T.-D. Wang, “High Sensitivity of T-Ray for Thrombus Sensing,” Scientific Reports, 8, 3948, 2018
9. P.-C. Wu, Y.-F. Shen, C.-K. Sun, C. P. Lin, and T.-M. Liu, “Harmonic generation microscopy of bone microenvironment in vivo,” Optics Communications, 422, 52-55, 2018
10. C.-K. Sun, Y.-C. Tsai, Y.-J. E. Chen, T.-M. Liu, H.-Y. Chen, H.-C. Wang, and C.-F. Lo, “Resonant dipolar coupling of microwaves with confined acoustic vibrations in a rod-shaped virus,” Scientific Reports, 7, 4611, 2017
11. C.-C. Shen, M.-Y. Weng, J.-K. Sheu, Y.-T. Yao, and C.-K. Sun, “In situ monitoring of chemical reactions at a solid-water interface by femtosecond acoustics,” Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 8 (21), 5430-5437, 2017
12. H.-Y. Chen, Y.-R. Huang, H.-Y. Shih, M.-J. Chen, J.-K. Sheu, and C.-K. Sun, “Extracting elastic properties of an atomically-thin interfacial layer by time-domain analysis of femtosecond acoustics,” Applied Physics Letters, 111 (21), 213101, 2017
13. G. Deka, C.-K. Sun, K. Fujita, and S.-W. Chu, “Nonlinear plasmonic imaging techniques and their biological applications,” Nanophotonics, 6 (1), 31-49, 2017
14. W.-H. Weng, Y.-H. Liao, M.-L. Wei, M.-R. Tsai, H.-Y. Huang, and C.-K. Sun, “Differentiating intratumoral melanocytes from Langerhans cells in non-melanocytic pigmented skin tumors in vivo by label-free third harmonic generation microscopy,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 21(7), 076009, 2016
15. I. Buttino, J.-S. Hwang, G. Romano, C.-K. Sun, T.-M. Liu, D. Pellegrini, A. Gaion, and D. Sartori, “Detection of malformations in sea urchin plutei exposed to mercuric chloride using different fluorescent techniques,” Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 123, 70-80, 2016
16. S.-C. Yang, H.-C. Lin, T.-M. Liu, J.-T. Lu, W.-T. Hung, Y.-R. Huang, Y.-C. Tsai, C.-L. Kao, S.-Y. Chen, C.-K. Sun, “Efficient Structure Resonance Energy Transfer from Microwaves to Confined Acoustic Vibrations in Viruses,” Scientific Reports, 5:18030, Dec. 2015
17. S.-C. Yang, T.-P. Shen, T.-T. Wu, Y.-R. Huang, and C.-K. Sun, “Investigation of Gold/GaN Nanorod Arrays for Hypersonic Detection: The Effect of Periodicity,” Applied Physics Letters, 107, 163108, Oct. 2015
18. S.-Y. Lee, Y.-H. Lai, K.-C. Huang, Y.-H. Cheng, T.-F. Tseng, and C.-K. Sun, “In vivo sub-femtoliter resolution photoacoustic microscopy with higher frame rates,” Scientific Reports, 5, 15421, Oct. 2015
19. Y.-R. Huang, P.-C. Chiu, J.-I. Chyi, and C.-K. Sun, “A Study on the Fiber Dispersion Effect for the Generation of Quasi-Sinusoidal THz Modulations on Optical Pulses,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, Oct. 2015
20. Y.-C. Chen, H.-C. Hsu, C.-M. Lee, and C.-K. Sun, “Third Harmonic Generation Susceptibility Spectroscopy in Free Fatty Acids,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 20 (9), 095013, Sept. 2015
21. Y.-F. Shen, M.-R. Tsai, S.-C. Chen, Y.-S. Leung, C.-T. Hsieh, Y.-S. Chen, F.-L. Huang, R. P. Obena, M. M. L. Zulueta, H.-Y. Huang, W.-J. Lee§, K.-C. Tang, C.-T. Kung, D.-B. Shieh, M.-H. Chen, Y.-J. Chen,T.-M. Liu, P.-T. Chou, and C.-K. Sun, “Imaging Endogenous Bilirubins with Two-photon Fluorescence of Bilirubin Dimers,” Analytical Chemistry, 87 (15), 7575~7582, Jul. 2015
22. I. Buttino, J.-S. Hwang, G. Romano, C.-K. Sun, T.-M. Liu, D. Pellegrini, A. Gaion, and D. Sartori, “Detection of malformations in sea urchin plutei exposed to mercuric chloride using different fluorescent techniques,” Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 123, 72~80, Jul. 2015
23. Y.-C. Chen, S.-Y. Lee, Y. Wu, D.-B. Shieh, K. Brink, T. D. Huang, R. R. Reisz, and C.-K. Sun, “Third Harmonic Generation Microscopy Reveals Dental Anatomy in Ancient Fossils,” Optics Letters, 40 (7), 1354-1357, Apr. 2015
24. Pierre-Adrien Mante, Yu-Ru Huang, Szu-Chi Yang, Tzu-Ming Liu, Alexei A. Maznev, Jinn-Kong Sheu, Chi-Kuang Sun, “THz acoustic phonon spectroscopy and nanoscopy by using piezoelectric semiconductor heterostructures,” Ultrasonics, 56, 52-65, Feb. 2015
25. Chi-Kuang Sun, Borwen You, Yu-Ru Huang, Kao-Hsiang Liu, Shusaku Sato, Akiyoshi Irisawa, Motoki Imamura, And Chung-Yuan Mou, “Pore-size dependent THz absorption of nano-confined water,” Optics Letters, Vol. 40, No. 12, 2015
26. T.-F. Tseng, B. You, H.-C. Gao, T.-D. Wang, and C.-K. Sun, “Pilot Clinical Study to Investigate the Human Whole Blood Spectrum Characteristics in the Sub-THz Region,” Optics Express, 23 (7), 9440-9451, 2015
27. W.-R. Lee, S.-C. Shen, C.-K. Sun, I. A. Aljuffali, S.-Y. Suen, J.-J. Wang, J.-Y. Fang, “Fractional thermolysis by bipolar radiofrequency facilitates cutaneous delivery of peptide and siRNA with minor loss of barrier function,” Pharmaceutical Research, 32, 1704-1713, 2015
28. Y.-R. Huang, K.-H. Liu, C.-Y. Mou, and C.-K. Sun, “Relaxation dynamics of surface-adsorbed water molecules in nanoporous silica probed by terahertz spectroscopy,” Applied Physics Letters, 107 (8), 081607, 2015
29. T.-F. Tseng, S.-C. Yang, Y.-T. Shih, Y.-F. Tsai, T.-D. Wang, and C.-K. Sun, “A near-field sub-THz transmission-type image system for vessel imaging in-vivo,” Optics Express, 23 (19), 25058~25071, 2015
30. Szu-Chi Yang, Yueh-Chun Wu, Pierre-Adrien Mante, Chien-Cheng Chen, Hung-Pin Chen, Hsiang-Yu Chou, Min-Hsiung Shih, and Chi-Kuang Sun, “Efficient excitation of guided acoustic waves in semiconductor nanorods through external metallic acoustic transducer,” APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 105(24), 243101-1-5, Dec. 2014
31. Szu-Chi Yang, Pei-Kuen Wei, Hui-Hsin Hsiao, Pierre-AdrienMante, Yu-Ru Huang, I-Ju Chen, Hung-Chun Chang,and Chi-Kuang Sun, “Enhanced detection sensitivity of higher-order vibrational modes of gold nanodisks on top of a GaN nanorod array through localized surface plasmons,” APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 105, 211103-1-5, Nov. 2014
32. Y.-H. Liao, W.-C. Kuo, S.-Y. Chou, C.-S. Tsai, G.-L. Lin, M.-R. Tsai, Y.-T. Shih, G.-G. Lee, and C.-K. Sun, “Quantitative analysis of intrinsic skin aging in dermal papillae by in vivo harmonic generation microscopy,” Biomedical Optics Express, 5(9), 3266-79, Sept. 2014
33. P.-A. Mante, C.-C. Chen, Y.-C. Wen, H.-Y. Chen, S.-C. Yang, Y.-R. Huang, I-J. Chen, Y.-W. Chen, V. Gusev, M.-J. Chen, J.-L. Kuo, J.-K. Sheu, and C.-K. Sun, “Probing Hydrophilic Interface of Solid/Liquid-Water by Nanoultrasonics,” Scientific Reports, 4, 6249, Sept. 2014
34. M.-R. Tsai, Y.-H. Cheng, J.-S. Chen, Y.-S. Sheen, Y.-H. Liao, and C.-K. Sun, “Differential diagnosis of nonmelanoma pigmented skin lesions based on harmonic generation microscopy,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 19(3), 36001-1-8, Mar. 2014
35. I-J. Chen, P.-A. Mante, C.-K. Chang, S.-C. Yang, H.-Y. Chen, Y.-R.Huang, L.-C. Chen, K.-H. Chen, V. Gusev, and C.-K. Sun, “Graphene to Substrate Energy Transfer through Out-of-plane Longitudinal Acoustic Phonons,” Nano Letters, 14, 1317-23, Mar. 2014
36. Sheng-Min Lan, Ya-Na Wu, Ping-Ching Wu, Chi-Kuang Sun, Dar-Bin Shieh, Ruey-Mo Lin, “Advances in Noninvasive Functional Imaging of Bone,” Original investigation, 21(2), 281-301, Feb. 2014
37. Y.-H. Lai, S.-Y. Lee, C.-F. Chang, Y.-H. Cheng, and C.-K. Sun, “Nonlinear photoacoustic microscopy via a loss modulation technique: from detection to imaging,” Optics Express, Vol. 22, Issue 1, pp. 525-536, Jan. 2014
38. Chi-Kuang Sun, Arthur Chiou, Fu-Jen Kao, Chien Chou, Chen-Yuan Dong, “Special Section Guest Editorial: Advanced Biomedical Imaging and Sensing,” J Biomed Opt, 19(1), 11001-1-2, Jan. 2014
39. G. G. Lee, H.-H. Lin, S.-Y. Chou, W.-J. Lee, Y.-H. Liao, C.-K. Sun, and C.-F. Chen, “Automatic cell segmentation and nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio (NC Ratio) analysis for third harmonic generated microscopy medical images,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 7 (2), pp. 158-168, 2013
40. X.-H. Fang, M.-L. Hu, B.-W. Liu, L. Chai, C.-Y. Wang, H.-F. Wei, W.-J. Tong, J. Luo, C.-K. Sun, A. A.Voronin, A. M. Zheltikov, “An all-photonic-crystal-fiber wavelength-tunable source of high-energy sub-100 fs pulses,” Optics Communications, 289, pp. 123-126, 2013
41. P.-A. Mante, C.-C. Chen, Y.-C. Wen, J.-K. Sheu, and C.-K. Sun, “Thermal boundary resistance between GaN and cubic ice and THz acoustic attenuation of cubic ice from complex acoustic impedance measurements,” Physical Review Letters, 111 (22), 225901, 2013
42. W.-C. Kuo, Y.-T. Shih, H.-C. Hsu, Y.-H. Cheng, Y.-H. Liao, and C.-K. Sun, “Virtual Spatial Overlap Modulation Microscopy for Resolution Improvement,” Optics Express, 21 (24), pp. 30007-30018, 2013
43. H.-Y. Chung, W.-C. Kuo, Y.-H. Cheng, C.-H. Yu, S.-H. Chia, C.-Y. Lin, J.-S. Chen, H.-J. Tsai, A. B. Fedotov, A. A. Ivanov, A. M. Zheltikov, and C.-K. Sun, “Blu-Ray Disk Lens as the Objective of a Miniaturized Two-Photon Fluorescence Microscope,” Optics Express, 21 (25), pp. 31604-31614, 2013
44. T.-F. Tseng, J.-M. Wun, W. Chen, S.-W. Peng, J.-W. Shi, and C.-K. Sun, “High-Resolution 3-Dimensional Radar-Imaging System Based on a Few-Cycle W-band Photonic Millimeter-Wave Pulse Generator,” Optics Express, Manuscript ID: 182831, 2013
45. A. Maznev, K. J. Manke, K.-H. Lin, K. A. Nelson, C.-K. Sun, and J.-I. Chyi, “Broadband terahertz ultrasonic transducer based on a laser-driven piezoelectric semiconductor superlattice,” Ultrasonics, 52(1), pp. 1-4, 2012
46. M.-R. Tsai, D.-B. Shieh, P.-J. Lou, C.-F. Lin, and C.-K. Sun, “Characterization of oral squamous cell carcinoma based on higher-harmonic generation microscopy,” Journal of Biophotonics, 5 (5-6), pp. 415-424, 2012
47. Y.-H. Chen, R.-J. Hsu, T.-Y. Chen, Y.-K. Huang, H.-C. Lee, S.-C. Hu, H.-J. Harn, J.-R. Jeng, C.-K. Sun, S.-Z. Lin, H.-J. Tsai, “The toxic effect of Amiodarone on valve formation in the developing heart of zebrafish embryos,” Reproductive Toxicology, 33 (2), pp. 233-244, 2012
48. A. A. Lanin, I. V. Fedotov, D. A. Sidorov-Biryukov, L. V. Doronina-Amitonova, O. I. Ivashkina, M. A. Zots, C.-K. Sun, F. O. Ilday, A. B. Fedotov, K. V. Anokhin, and A. M. Zheltikov, “Air-guided photonic-crystal-fiber pulse-compression delivery of multimegawatt femtosecond laser output for nonlinear-optical imaging and neurosurgery,” Applied Physics Letters, 100 (10), 101104, 2012
49. Y.-R. Huang, H.-P. Chen, P.-C. Chiu, J.-I. Chyi, B.-H. Wang, S.-Y. Chen, C.-K. Sun, “Propagation, Resonance, and Radiation on Terahertz Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits,” IEEE Photonics Journal, 4 (3), pp. 699-706, 2012
50. C.-C. Chen, H.-M. Huang, T.-C. Lu, H.-C. Kuo, and C.-K. Sun, “Magnitude-Tunable Sub-THz Shear Phonons in a Non-Polar GaN Multiple-Quantum-Well p-i-n Diode,” Applied Physics Letters, 100 (20), 201905, 2012
51. A. Devos, Y.-C. Wen, P.-A. Mante and C.-K. Sun, “Observation of anomalous acoustic phonon dispersion in SrTiO3 by broadband stimulated Brillouin scattering,” Applied Physics Letters, 100 (20), 206101, 2012
52. Y.-C. Wen, K.-J. Wang, H.-H. Chang, J.-Y. Luo, C.-C. Shen, H.-L. Liu, C.-K. Sun, M.-J. Wang, and M.-K. Wu, “Gap opening and orbital modification of superconducting FeSe above the structural distortion,” Physical Review Letters, 108 (26), 267002, 2012
53. S.-C. Yang, H.-P. Chen, H.-H. Hsiao, P.-K. Wei, H.-C. Chang, and C.-K. Sun, “Near-Field Dynamic Study of the Nanoacoustic Effect on the Extraordinary Transmission in Gold Nanogratings,” Optics Express 20, (15), pp. 16186-16194, 2012
54. H.-P. Chen, Y.-C. Wu, P.-A. Mante, S.-J. Tu, J.-K. Sheu, and C.-K. Sun, “Femtosecond excitation of radial breathing mode in 2-D arrayed GaN nanorods,” Optics Express, 20 (15), pp.16611-16617, 2012
55. P.-A. Mante, C.-Y. Ho, L.-W. Tu, and C.-K. Sun, “Interferometric detection of extensional modes of a GaN nanorod array,” Optics Express, 20 (17), pp. 18717-18722, 2012
56. P.-A. Mante, H.-Y. Chen, M.-H. Lin, Y.-C. Wen, S. Gwo, and C.-K. Sun,, “Selectively probing vibrations in a plasmonic supracrystal,” Applied Physics Letters, 101(10), 101903, 2012
57. J.-H. Lee, M.-R. Tsai, C.-K. Sun, and B.-L. Chiang, “Evaluation of the Role of CD207 on Langerhans Cells in a Murine Model of Atopic Dermatitis by In Situ Imaging Using Cr:forsterite Laser-based Multi-modality Nonlinear Microscopy,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 17(11), 116007, 2012
58. 64. T.-F. Tseng, C.-H. Lai, J.-T. Lu, Y.-F. Tsai, Y.-R. Huang, Y.-J. Hwang, and C.-K. Sun, “Investigation on Strong-Coupling Behaviors of THz Sub-Wavelength Directional Couplers,” IEEE Photonics Journal, 4(6), pp. 2307-2314, 2012
59. Y.-H. Liao, S.-Y. Chen, S.-Y. Chou, P.-H. Wang, M.-R. Tsai, and C.-K. Sun, “Determination of chronological aging parameters in epidermal keratinocytes by in vivo harmonic generation microscopy,” Biomedical Optics Express, 4 (1), pp. 77-88, 2012
60. M.-R. Tsai, C.-Y. Lin, Y.-H. Liao, H.-L. Liu, and C.-K. Sun, “Applying tattoo dye as a third-harmonic generation contrast agent for in vivo optical virtual biopsy of human skin,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 18 (2), 026012, 2012
61. P.-A. Mante, Y.-C. Wu, C.-Y. Ho, L.-W. Tu, and C.-K. Sun, “Gigahertz Coherent Guided Acoustic Phonons in AlN/GaN Nanowire Superlattice,” Nano Letters, 13 (3), pp. 1139-1144, 2012
62. C.-L. Liu, T.-M. Liu, T.-Y. Hsieh, H.-W. Liu, Y.-S. Chen, C.-K. Tsai, H.-C. Chen, J.-W. Lin, R.-B. Hsu, T.-D. Wang, C.-C. Chen, C.-K. Sun, and Pi-Tai Chou, “In vivo Metabolic Imaging of Insulin with Multiphoton Fluorescence of Human Insulin-Au Nanodots,” Small, 2012
63. G. G. Lee, H.-H. Lin, S.-Y. Chou, W.-J. Lee, Y.-H. Liao, C.-K. Sun, and C.-F. Chen, “Automatic cell segmentation and nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio (NC Ratio) analysis for third harmonic generated microscopy medical images,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems. Manuscript, 2012
64. C.-K. Sun, “Special Issue for the Thirteenth International Conference Oh Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter Preface,” Chinese Journal of Physics, 49 (1), pp. I-II, 2011
65. Y.-C. Wen, J.-H. Sun, T.-T. Wu, C. Dais, D. Grützmacher, and C.-K. Sun, “Investigation of Phononic Bandgap in a 3D Quantum-Dot Crystal,” Chinese Journal of Physics, 49 (1), pp. 77-83, 2011
66. T.-M. Liu, S.-Z. Sun, C.-F. Chang, G.-T. Chen, C.-C. Pan, J.-I. Chyi, and C.-K. Sun, “Roles of Dislocation Density to the Scattering of Nano-acoustic Waves in GaN,” Chinese Journal of Physics, 49 (1), pp. 171-175, 2011
67. Y.-H. Chen, Y.-C. Wen, W.-R. Liu, W.-F. Hsieh, and C.-K. Sun, “Acoustic Velocity and Optical Index Birefringence in A-Plane ZnO Thin Film,” Chinese Journal of Physics, 49 (1), pp. 201-208, 2011
68. I. Buttino, J.-S. Hwang, C.-K. Sun, C.-T. Hsieh, T.-M. Liu, D. Pellegrini, A. Ianora, D. Sartori, G. Romano, S.-H. Cheng, and A. Miralto, “Apoptosis to predict copepod mortality: state of the art and future perspectives,” Hydrobiologia, 666, pp. 257-264, 2011
69. Y.-E. Su, Y.-C. Wen, Y.-L. Hong, H.-M. Lee, S. Gwo, Y.-T. Lin, L.-W. Tu, H.-L. Liu, and C.-K. Sun, “Using hole screening effect on hole-phonon interaction to estimate hole density in Mg-doped InN,” Applied Physics Letters, 98, 252106, 2011
70. Y.-E. Su, Y.-C. Wen, Y.-L. Hong, H.-M. Lee, S. Gwo, Y.-T. Lin, L.-W. Tu, H.-L. Liu, and C.-K. Sun, “Using hole screening effect on hole-phonon interaction to estimate hole density in Mg-doped InN,” Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, 10 (7), July issue, 2011
71. C.-Y. Ko, M.-Y. Tsai, W.-F. Tseng, C.-H. Cheng, C.-R. Huang, J.-S. Wu, H.-Y. Chung, C.-S. Hsieh, C.-K. Sun, S.-P. L. Hwang, C.-H. Yuh, C.-J. Huang, T.-W. Pai, W.-S. Tzou, and C.-H. Hu, “Integration of CNS survival and differentiation by HIF2,” Cell Death and Differentiation, 18, pp. 1757-1770, 2011
72. Y.-C. Wen, S.-H. Guol, H.-P. Chen, J.-K. Sheu, and C.-K. Sun, “Femtosecond ultrasonic spectroscopy using a piezoelectric nanolayer: Hypersound attenuation in vitreous silica films,” Applied Physics Letters, 99 (5), 051913, 2011
73. Y.-C. Wen, S.-H. Guol, H.-P. Chen, J.-K. Sheu, and C.-K. Sun, “Femtosecond ultrasonic spectroscopy using a piezoelectric nanolayer: Hypersound attenuation in vitreous silica films,” Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, 10 (9), September 2011 issue; highlighted by Nature Photonics, 5, 644, 2011
74. M.-R. Tsai, S.-Y. Chen, D.-B. Shieh, P.-J. Lou, and C.-K. Sun, “In vivo optical virtual biopsy of human oral mucosa with harmonic generation microscopy,” Biomedical Optics Express, 2(8), pp. 2317-2328, 2011
75. C.-H. Lai, C.-K. Sun, and H.-C. Chang, “Terahertz antiresonant-reflecting-hollow-waveguide-based directional coupler operating at antiresonant frequencies,” Optics Letters, 36 (18), pp. 3590-3592, 2011
76. H. Chen, C.-M. Chiu, Y.-F. Tsai, T.-F. Tseng, J.-T. Lu, W.-L. Lai, W.-J. Lee, H.-Y. Huang, and C.-K. Sun, “Performance of THz fiber-scanning near-field microscopy to diagnose breast tumors,” Optics Express, 19 (20), pp. 19523-19531, 2011
77. Y.-C. Wen, Y.-C. Liao, H.-H. Chang, B.-H. Mok, Y.-C. Lee, T.-W. Huang, K.-W. Yeh, J.-Y. Luo, M.-J. Wang, C.-K. Sun, and M.-K. Wu, “Elastic stiffness of single-crystalline FeSe measured by picoseconds ultrasonics,” Journal of Applied Physics, 110 (7), 073505, 2011
78. H. Chen, T.-H. Chen, T.-F. Tseng, J.-T. Lu, C.-C. Kuo, S.-C. Fu, W.-J. Lee, Y.-F. Tsai, Y.-Y. Huang, E. Y. Chuang, Y.-J. Hwang, and C.-K. Sun, “High-sensitivity in vivo THz transmission imaging of early human breast cancer in a subcutaneous xenograft mouse model,” Optics Express, 19 (22), pp. 21552-21562, 2011
79. H. Chen, T.-H. Chen, T.-F. Tseng, J.-T. Lu, C.-C. Kuo, S.-C. Fu, W.-J. Lee, Y.-F. Tsai, Y.-Y. Huang, E. Y. Chuang, Y.-J. Hwang, and C.-K. Sun, “High-sensitivity in vivo THz transmission imaging of early human breast cancer in a subcutaneous xenograft mouse model,” Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics, 6 (11), November 30, 2011 issue, 2011
80. Y.-C. Wen, G.-W. Chern, K.-H. Lin, J. J. Yeh, and C.-K. Sun, “Femtosecond Optical Excitation of Coherent Acoustic Phonons in a Piezoelectric p-n Junction,” Physical Review B, 84 (20), 205315(12), 2011
81. I. Buttino, D. Pellegrini, G. Romano, J.-S. Hwang, T.-M. Liu, D. Sartori, C.-K. Sun, S. Macchia, and A. Ianora, “Study of apoptosis induction in Acartia tonsa nauplii exposed to subchronic concentration of Nickel,” Chemistry and Ecology, 27, pp. 97-104, 2011
82. J.-T. Lu, C.-H. Lai, T.-F. Tseng, H. Chen, Y.-F. Tsai, I-J. Chen, Y.-J. Hwang, H.-C. Chang, and C.-K. Sun, “Terahertz polarization-sensitive rectangular pipe waveguides,” Optics Express, 19 (22), pp. 21532-21539, 2011
83. J.-T. Lu, C.-H. Lai, T.-F. Tseng, H. Chen, Y.-F. Tsai, Y.-J. Hwang, H.-C. Chang, and C.-K. Sun, “Terahertz pipe-waveguide-based directional couplers,” Optics Express, 19 (27), pp. 26883-26890, 2011
84. A. Maznev, K. J. Manke, K.-H. Lin, K. A. Nelson, C.-K. Sun, and J.-I. Chyi, “Broadband terahertz ultrasonic transducer based on a laser-driven piezoelectric semiconductor superlattice,” Ultrasonics, 52 (1), pp. 1-4, 2011
85. S.-H. China, T.-M. Liu, A. A. Ivanov, A. B. Fedotov, A. M. Zheltikov, M.-R. Tsai, M.-C. Chan, C.-H.Yu, and C.-K. Sun, “A sub-100fs self-starting Cr:forsterite laser generating 1.4W output power,” Optics Express, Nov. 2010
86. Y.-W. Chiu, M. T. Lo, M.-R. Tsai, Y.-C. Chang, R.-B. Hsu, H.-Y. Yu, C.-K. Sun, Y.-L. Ho, “Applying Harmonic Optical Microscopy for Spatial Alignment of Atrial Collagen Fibers,” PLoS One, 5(11), 1-9, Nov. 2010
87. S.-H. Chia, T.-M. Liu, A. A. Ivanov, A. B. Fedotov, A. M. Zheltikov, M.-R. Tsai, M.-C. Chan, C.-H.Yu, and C.-K. Sun, “A sub-100fs self-starting Cr:forsterite laser generating 1.4W output power,” Optics Express, 18 (23), pp. 24085-24091, Aug. 2010
88. W.-J. Lee, S.-Y. Chen, C.-F. Lee, Y.-S. Chen, and C.-K. Sun, “Virtual Biopsy of Rat Tympanic Membrane Using Higher Harmonic Generation Microscopy,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 15(4), 046012, Jun. 2010
89. C.-F. Chang, C.-H. Yu, and C.-K. Sun, “Multi-Photon Resonance Enhancement of Third Harmonic Generation in Human Oxyhemoglobin and Deoxyhemoglobin,” Journal of Biophotonics, 3(10-11), pp. 678-658, Jun. 2010
90. S.-H. Chia, C.-H. Yu, C.-H. Lin, N.-C. Cheng, T.-M. Liu, M.-C. Chan, I-H. Chen, and C.-K. Sun, “Miniaturized Video-Rate Epi-Third-Harmonic-Generation Fiber-Microscope,” Optics Express, 18(16),, pp. 17382-17391, Apr. 2010
91. S.-Y. Chen, H.-Y. Wu, and C.-K. Sun, “In vivo harmonic generation biopsy of human skin,” Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, 9(1), Jan. 2010
92. C.-H. Lai, B. You, J.-Y. Lu, T.-A. Liu, J.-L. Peng, C.-K. Sun, and H.-C. Chang, “Modal characteristics of antiresonant reflecting pipe waveguides for terahertz waveguiding,” Optics Express, 18 (1), pp. 309-322, 2010
93. Y.-E. Su, Y.-C. Wen , H.-M. Lee , S. Gwo, and C.-K. Sun, “Observation of sub-100 femtosecond electron cooling time in InN,” Applied Physics Letters, 96 (5), 052108, 2010
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